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Leather Hard 9 Lash Whip

Cat o' Nine tails flogging

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Tennosuke make bondage toys for S&M players who understand quality and take their sex lives seriously! For when you want real power behind the pain you should reach for the Tennosuke Leather Hard 9 Lash Whip, an immense flogging toy that will startle those using it, those watching - and especially those feeling it! The nine lashes recall the classic cat o' nine tails and all the bondage fun that implies…This is right at the top of the hard scale so is a sophisticated adult toy for experienced players only.

Leather Hard 9 Lash Whip

The Tennosuke Leather Hard 9 Lash Whip features:

  • Cat o' nine tails-style flogging whip
  • Color: black
  • Very hard type (rating 5/5 on hard scale)
  • Grip: 27cm (10.6")
  • Lashes: 60cm (23.6")
  • Made to order: please allow an extra week till delivery

US$ 120
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