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脱SEX革命AV 世界一変態で恥ずかしい挑戦〜ハイテンション変態女子が厳粛な図書館でドン引き全裸淫語羞恥芸〜


Starring ten very, very enthusiastic teenagers, The World's Kinkiest Nude Library Challenge takes the "shame" (shuchi) subgenre of Japanese pornography to a whole, unbelievable new level. Two hours of challenges that will make you question your eyes: How far will these girls go? Set in a public library, the ladies are completely naked the whole time and must undergo a series of humiliating tasks.

脱SEX革命AV 世界一変態で恥ずかしい挑戦〜ハイテンション変態女子が厳粛な図書館でドン引き全裸淫語羞恥芸〜

Nothing could test the patience of the humble librarians and the unsuspecting visitors more than a series of girls taking their clothes off, wearing panties on their heads, putting their crotches in people's faces, screaming, shouting, jumping, climbing on tables... everything and anything wild you could possibly imagine - there are no limits in this world.

脱SEX革命AV 世界一変態で恥ずかしい挑戦〜ハイテンション変態女子が厳粛な図書館でドン引き全裸淫語羞恥芸〜

Time and time again Japanese pornography has a knack for coming up with yet another incredible "project" film (kikaku), where the boundaries of decency and expectation are overturned in a topsy-turvy vision of pure, unadulterated erotica. How will the the quiet readers react? How much further can the girls go? Watch to find out!

脱SEX革命AV 世界一変態で恥ずかしい挑戦〜ハイテンション変態女子が厳粛な図書館でドン引き全裸淫語羞恥芸〜

The World's Kinkiest Nude Library Challenge features:

  • 120-minute Japanese adult DVD (RCT-488)
  • Region free

脱SEX革命AV 世界一変態で恥ずかしい挑戦〜ハイテンション変態女子が厳粛な図書館でドン引き全裸淫語羞恥芸〜
JPY 5,309
