Masturbation by hand takes some skill, but masturbation by foot is an art form. The Realistic Ashikoki Footjob Onahole offers something truly special for anyone with a fetish for the lovely curves of a hot girl's feet. Shaped like two cute feet pressed together, this masturbator has a petite hole set within the "grip" of her toes for a strong vacuum and tight fit.
Once within her grasp, you'll be immersed in a twisting labyrinth of pleasure nubs, ribs, and ridges that will make you lose both your mind and your load as Outvision has lovingly reproduced the "roughness" of real Japanese feet within. Moreover, two large chambers, one just after the entrance, and one deep within, have been designed to tease your glans as well.
The Realistic Ashikoki Footjob Onahole features: