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CQ Roll Onahole

Vacuum masturbator sleeve

The CQ Roll Onahole is a special masturbator sleeve that creates a solid vacuum around your member and allows for a flexible sensation unconstrained by external gimmicks. The transparent hole is a pared-down minimal design, with the focus on the vacuum and the practicalities. You can set the hefty toy down flat on a surface, which is rare for a hole without any replica buttocks or hips.

CQ Roll Onahole

This makes for more powerful push and shove on a table, or even while lying down. The durable sleeve can be stamped and squeezed, and still spring back up like a piston to provide stimulating sessions right on your head as it rams into her tight passage.

CQ Roll Onahole

The CQ Roll Onahole features:

  • Weight: 520g (18.3 oz)
  • Includes lotion
  • Non-air release hole type masturbator
  • Made in Japan

CQ Roll Onahole
US$ 26

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