No prizes for guessing what color the Pink!! Pink!! Pink!! CPGA Massager is, but the acronym might not be immediately evident. CPGA stands for clitoris, portio, G-spot, and anal: in other words, the quadrifecta of female pleasure!
Explore four-way stimulation and 12 vibration patterns, and the fit of the dildos that are designed and shaped to reach the most sensitive areas of the vagina and anus. The vaginal dildo features a flapping part at the tip to lick the cervix and the G-spot, and the clitoral stimulator has a bumpy texture on two heads that works wonders on your love bean.
A great, fun toy to try together or to really indulge during self-pleasure sessions. It charges up conveniently by USB and is simple to operate, meaning you can focus just on giving your body a real treat.
Specs and Features: